// Malawi (adopted 29 July 2010) - Jim Bumgardner // Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Malawi // Note: Took RGB sample and ray shape bezier curves from the SVG file found here // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Malawi.svg int kHeight = 332; // The only number that needs changing size(kHeight*3/2, kHeight); float stripeHeight = height/3.0; float circWidth = height*4/15.0; noStroke(); smooth(); color whiteColor = color( #FFFFFF ); color redColor = color( #DE0220 ); color greenColor = color( #009C45 ); color blackColor = color( #000000 ); // Draw each stripe fill(redColor); rect(0,0, width, stripeHeight); fill(blackColor); rect(0,stripeHeight, width, stripeHeight); fill(greenColor); rect(0,height-stripeHeight, width, stripeHeight); // Draw white disc fill(whiteColor); ellipse(width/2, height/2, circWidth, circWidth); // Draw rays int nbrRays = 45; for (int i = 0; i < nbrRays; ++i) { pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, height/2); scale(height/600.0); rotate(i*TWO_PI/nbrRays); beginShape(); vertex(-1,98); vertex(1,98); bezierVertex(1,98,7.3,165,0,165); bezierVertex(-7.3,165,-1,98,-1,98); endShape(); popMatrix(); }